Congress, stop playing with the lives of Dreamers


Early this month, decisions by the United States District Judge Andrew Hanen and the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals marked another sad and frustrating moment for millions of Dreamers like me seeking a permanent

Santa Monica’s Iconic The Georgian Hotel Set for Re-Launch


Project to be complete in January 2023 Developers have released plans for the re-launch of Santa Monica’s iconic hotel, The Georgian, unveiling in January 2023. BLVD Hospitality, in partnership with ESI Ventures revealed their plans earlier this

Invest in Courageous, Progressive Journalism


The struggle for democracy persists as we come into the second half of 2022. As the year progresses, we face lies, corruption, and violence. And so the fight for America will continue as Senate

16 most haunted hotels in the United States


Spook-N-Stay (USA TODAY Network) Trick or treat is a thing of the past. Why not increase the Halloween fun… or fright… with a creepy and downright scary stay at one of the most-haunted hotels in the United States